“HPPT”, Vol 23, №1



PANFILOV A.S., GRECHNEV G.E., LOGOSHA A.V., ZHURAVLEVA I.P. Pressure effect on magnetic properties of gadolinium in paramagnetic state 5
KHEIFETS O.L., PINIGINA K.S., TEBENKOV A.V., FILIPPOV A.L.,SHAKIROV E.F., MELNIKOVA N.V., BABUSHKIN A.N. Effects of high pressures and magnetic fields on electric properties of the
(PbSe)x(AgAsSe2)1.x („‡ = 0.5, 0.9) chalcogenides
RASSOLOV S.G., TKATCH V.I., MAKSIMOV V.V., KOVALENKO O.V., MOISEEVA T.N., POPOV V.V. Nucleation of Al nanocrystals in the amorphous Al87Ni8Y5 alloy at constant rate heating 18
PROKHOROV A.A. Ground state of the Gd+ ion in the TmAl3(BO3)4 single crystal 30
BOICHENKO V.A., DfYACHENKO A.I., KRIVORUCHKO V.N., TARENKOV V.Yu. Tunneling effect in the MgB2/LCMO junction: suppression of the conduction band of a manganite at T ¨ TC 37
UTYASCHEV F.Z. Kinematics of flow and structure formation of a metal under severe plastic deformation 45
KHAIMOVICH P.A. From hydroextrusion to barocryodeformation 56
LAPTEV A.V., TOLOCHIN A.I., OCUN I.Yu. The effect of the temperature and compacting pressure on the properties of WC–25 mаss% Co hard alloy 68
EFROS B.M., DERYAGIN A.I., EFROS N.B., SAGARADZE V.V., STEFANOVICH L.I., VARYUKHIN V.N. Formation of nanoscale clusters in FCC alloys under severe plastic deformation 82
ABROSIMOVA G.E., ARONIN A.S., SHIRNINA D.P. Structure change in the Al88Ni2Y10 metal glass at thermal treatment and deformation 90
KORZHOV V.P., KARPOV M.I., PROCHOROV D.V. Multilayer structures and high-temperature strength of refractory materials based on niobium compounds with aluminum and silicon obtained from Nb−Aland Nb−Si-composites 99
DANYLENKO M., PODREZOV Yu., SCHYGOLEV V. Studying of interfaces in multicomponent materials with the using of analytical electron microscopy 108
PROKOF’EVA O., VOZNYAK Yu.V., PRILEPO D. Peculiarities of plastic flow of metallic and polymeric materials under severe plastic deformation by planar twist extrusion 116