Date: December 20, Thursday, 14-00
Place: Conference Room
DEFENSE of the thesis for the candidate science degree in physics and mathematics
MARCHENKO Olexiy Igorovych (DonIPE of NASU)
”Static and dynamic properties of ferromagnetic antidot lattice: symmetry effects”
specialization 01.04.11 – magnetism.
Supervisor: Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, professor
KRIVORUCHKO Volodymyr Mykolajovych, deputy director of DonIPE of NASU.
Official opponents:
- Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, professor
TARAPOV Sergiy Ivanovych,leader of the radiospectroscopy department,
Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU;
- Doctor of science in physics and mathematics, professor
KUCHKO Andriy Mykolajovych, head of department of theoretical and mathematical physics of Donetsk National University, Ministry Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Everybody is invited.