Date: November 10, Thursday, 14-00
Place: Conference Room
DEFENSE of the thesis for the candidate science degree in physics and mathematics
KHACHATUROVA Tetjana Olexandrivna (DonIPE of NASU)
«Effect of the barrier electronic structure on transport characteristics of tunnel contacts with metallic electrodes»
specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics
Supervisor: Ph.D., senior researcher BELOGOLOVSKII Mikhaylo Olexandrovych, senior researcher at the department of the theory of dynamics properties of complex systems, DonIPE.
Official opponents:
- Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Senior Researcher
KHOTKEVYCH Andriy Volodymyrovych,
Leading Scientific Researcher, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of NASU;
- Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, Professor
TOKIY Valentyn Volodymyrovych,
senior researcher at the materials science department of DonIPE of NASU.
Everybody is invited.