Date: October 14, Friday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. Admission of the thesis to the defense for candidate of science degree in physics and mathematics BUKIN Gennadiy Volodymyrovych ”Pressure-induced high spin – low spin transitions of Fe2+ ions in … Continue
Date: June 16, Thursday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. Admission of the thesis to the defense of candidate science degree in physics and mathematics KHACHATUROVA Tetjana Olexandrivna (DonIPE of NASU) “Effect of the barrier electronic structure on transport characteristics … Continue
Date: May 27, Friday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: Re-attestation of PhD degree in physics obtained in Polish to candidate science degree in physics and mathematics VASYLIEV Sergiy Volodymyrovych (Researcher of superconductivity and tunnel spectroscopy department) Thesis name: «Thermomagnetic instability … Continue
Date: May 26, Thursday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. Admission of the theses to the defense for doctor of science degree in physics and mathematics specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics: ZUBOV Eduard Evgenovych “Ground state and collective phenomena … Continue
Date: February 10, Thursday, 14-00 Place: Conference Room Agenda: 1. Admission of the theses, performed at the Institute, to the defense for candidate of science degree in physics and mathematics specialization 01.04.07 – solid state physics: ZHITLUKHINA Olena Sergijivna “The … Continue