Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: October 18th , Tuesday, 10-00 Subject: Infotmation about Euromat 2011 conference in Montpellier, France (12.09.11-15.09.11) Speaker: Zavdoveev Anatol. Everybody is invited!
Problems of physics of nanostructural states Place: room 507 (adm. build.) Date: October 11th , Tuesday, 10-00 Subject: Infotmation about ICTP conference (technology of plasticity) in Aahen, Germany (25.09.11-30.09.11) Speaker: Beigelzimer Ya.Yu. Everybody is invited!
DIPT computer infrastructure news. Q&A session. Konstantin L. Metlov Wednesday 09/22/2010, 11:00 Conf. Hall